Samstag, September 30, 2006


You can't escape, your time will come, too. The time when you sit at the beach, like you did it every week. But this time you will look back. Back to the past maybe half a year. And you will feel good, think of all the friends you've met, and you will cry, because you are leaving them.

Making good friends is not easy. Leaving them is definitely hard. And the only consolation are your memories. And your promises to see each other again.

I really loved my stay in France, but it is about time to go back. So "Wie Gott in Frankreich" will come to an end, too. Where it is going on? I'll keep you updated.

Sonntag, September 03, 2006

Had some time to play around, so I installed eyeOS, a simple WebOS built by a few spanish boys. Afterwards I "integrated" meebo and cyclr and added a nice fisheye effekt to eyeOS's taskbar, taking advantage of the dhtml demos. So check it out at!

My flat share

The day was approaching, but nobody really believed it. No it has come: the day, Volker moved out. Yesterday night we recalled the past half of a year following our tradition of having wine at the beach. Today he started his three day trip back home. Thank you for the cool time and see you back in Potsdam!

Rachel left us already three days ago, the next tenants of both of them arrive(d) today: Senem and Josepha, two dutch business students, who will spend the next six month at Nice's University. Tomorrow Margot will come and stay for three weeks (yippie!), on Wednesday her friend Tanja visits us. So the next days will be packed again with lots of things to do.